Return and Refund Policy

Welcome to ELBORON! We appreciate your business and are committed to providing you with high-quality products. To ensure your satisfaction, please review our return and refund policy below.

1. Eligibility for Returns and Refunds

Any return or refund must be prior approved by ELBORON. Please contact our customer service team at to initiate the return or refund process.

2. Return and Refund Period

Returns or refunds will be accepted within 15 days of the receipt of your order. Requests made after this period will not be considered.

3. Conditions for Returns and Refunds

To be eligible for a return or refund, items must be:

  • Unused and in the same condition as received
  • In their original packaging

ELBORON reserves the right to refuse returns or refunds for items that do not meet these conditions.

4. How to Initiate a Return or Refund

To initiate a return or refund, please follow these steps:

  1. Contact our customer service team at to request approval.
  2. Once approved, securely pack the items in their original packaging.
  3. Include a copy of the original order confirmation.
  4. Ship the package to the address provided by our customer service team.

5. Refund Process

Upon receiving the returned items and confirming their eligibility, ELBORON will process the refund to the original payment method, if possible. Please allow a reasonable processing time for the refund to be completed.

6. Contact Information

If you have any questions or concerns regarding our return and refund policy, please contact us at: ELBORON

This policy is effective as of February-02, 2024. ELBORON reserves the right to update or modify this policy at any time without prior notice.